By Pat Tiernan, Executive Director
Climate Savers Computing Initiative
This week is NBC’s Green Week, part of the TV network’s Green Is Universal program. Climate Savers Computing commends NBC for helping to raise awareness about the importance of energy-efficient computing.
Climate Savers Computing is built on the belief that individuals have the power to make a difference through practicing better computing habits. We provide three steps to go green as well as recommend following these power management settings to improve the power efficiency of your PC:
• Monitor/display sleep: Turn off after 15 minutes or less
• Turn off hard drives/hard disk sleep: 15 minutes or less
• System standby/sleep: After 30 minutes or less
NBC helped bring attention to energy-efficient computing this week by highlighting it in a Today show segment that appears below.
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During Green Week (November 15-22, 2009) NBC Universal is asking its viewers to pledge to make one small change to help the environment. These pledges will be tracked across all its Web sites, and for each pledge, NBC Universal will make a $1 donation to the FEED foundation.
You can also join the Climate Savers Computing mission by pledging your support to use power management and by selecting an energy-efficient computer for your future PC purchase.
You have the power to make a difference.
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